Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ang pows for senior citizens in Kuantan


KUANTAN: Some 660 senior citizens from the Kuantan parliamentary constituency received an early ang pow in conjunction with the Chinese New Year.
This annual event was organised by the Kuantan MCA division led by its chief Datuk Ti Lian Ker.
Present to meet and wish the recipients were Teruntum assemblyman Chang Hong Seong, division deputy chief Laow Weng Choon, division Youth chief Andy Chiew and organising chairman Low Sow Long.
Ti said the recipients were of all races and aged 65 years and above.
He said it was the first time the MCA secured a conducive venue for the recipients and their family members.
“We gathered at the official residence of the Mentri Besar welcome the New Year.
“Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob gave his consent to use his premises and even sponsored a lavish meal,” he said to loud applause from the people gathered at the house in Jalan Teluk Sisek on Sunday.
Ti said the previous gatherings at Wisma MCA in Jalan Bukit Ubi were not conducive as the hall and parking space were limited.
This year, family members could sit with the recipients and share a meal comfortably, he said.
“The giving of ang pows is a tradition we want to cultivate in accordance with Chinese culture.
“I hope the recipients will not look at the amount in the red packet, but at the meaning behind it,” he said, adding that he remembered his parents always emphasising the health and safety of the family instead of money.
Ti said he was glad that MCA managed to register the recipients within two weeks.


Anonymous said...

Well done Joe! Keep up the good work. We need all the young energetic,progressive idealism to rebrand MCA. There's always ample room to contribute. Welcome all net citizens. We are in need of more contributors.
This blog will be moderated by young members. We see ow we progress from here.
Thanks again

jlvk said...

I didn't write this.. so u need to kick my butt actually ;-)

Would the author of this article please identify yourself? Have a great CNY!

Edward said...

Well before anything, we must know what is our objective, only then we could rebrand MCA. Actually is not that hard to rebard if the seniors would agree on the things we do. We have tones of ideas but no funding, thats all. When it comes to branding, I would strongly suggest that we start from the bottom, which is to survey. Survey here means that a bunch of people go around the mall and catch all the young chinese and answers the question that had been prepare and for every survey form answered a small token of appreciation would be given. The question should be open ended, where they are given a chance to voice out their own oppinion about what MCA should do for them on that form. So from there I guess we could at least know that where can we start our branding to refurbish the name of MCA. We might not have the lawyers or doctors in the division, but what we have is the energy and the mind to push MCA to the next level. Well I guess is about time. They might be good at what they do for a proffesion, but what they don't know is what the people want and "we are the people" and we know what we want!!

Anonymous said...


Ti Lian Ker said...

Politics is not for doctors, lawyers or professionals. Politics is about people and their ability to join together for a common cause.
It is about trial and error. It is about managing conflicts and maintaining peace and tranquility. But then again. some may have a different prescription or perception of what politics is and ought to be. I am baffled myself. But the point now is to engage the young and allow them to participate actively as a respectable partner in order that MCA as a party remains relevant instead of being sidelined. Undeniably, we have failed in this aspect over the years for they have been complacent and protecting their comfort zone. Many refused to move forward. Now , we are left backward...question is , how do we move forward?? by trial and error...provided we have genuine partners. Welcome to MCA Edward and Joe! This party and vehicle is yours too...

jlvk said...

Yes Ti I'm indeed honored to be able to contribute my bit to moving forward in unity. I'll give my best even in the midst of trial and error.

Have a bullish "Niu" Year, Señor!

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