Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Quit squabbling among yourselves

Appeared on The China Press / East Coast on Feb 02, 2009.

Verbatim translation by paragraph:


"Do not presume that the PR is free from internal squabbles: be it Keadilan, PAS, or DAP. Excellent concealment efforts throughout the recent Kuala Terengganu by-election period might have projected the image that the PR is free from such an encumbrance."


The Pahang Menteri Besar Adnan Yaacob exhorts that people should cherish harmony, and place unity as the priority, in enduring the present financial crisis.


In his address in the 2009 New Year Well-wishing Ceremony (2009年新春大團拜), sponsored by the Pahang State Government, held in the Pahang Silver Jubilee Hall, he said the unity of the people is of great importance. On squabbling, he remarked that [while] a squabble among infants has no far-reaching implications, [the same occuring among thinking adults can be rather damaging]. And for this reason, he urges the people to refrain from being easily taken in by reports appearing in the papers sensationalizing senseless squabbles.


"We need to think about getting people to unite, the Government has not marginalized any race, all are given the same regard."


He disclosed that the State Government sponsored MYR20,000 for the event's expenses, and this is sufficient to demonstrate that the State Government cares a lot for the harmony between races and esteems this fine celebration of the Chinese people.

“華裔只要安心經商,孩子有得受教育,其實,馬來人也如是。” 他說,目前全球經濟不景,美國已日漸式微,崛起的大國將是中國及印度。

"The Chinese need only enjoy the peace of mind to go about their trade, and see that the children receive education; actually, this is pretty much the same with the Malays." He said that at present economies worldwide is in bad shape, and that the US is losing lustre each day, and that the giants of the future will be China and India.

“我們要學習華人做生意的方法,但無須到中國去,我們可向丹斯里方天興、拿督周良及拿督彭子明學習。” 大臣在上台致詞時,雖說他不會長篇大論,因為大家是來吃東西,並非來聽演講,無論如何,大臣還是說了約20分鐘。

"We should emulate the Chinese in their business operations. And to do so, we need not go all the way to China. We can learn from our own people Tan Sri 方天興 (I'll find out the Roman names and post it here), Dato' 周良, and Dato' Pang Tsu Ming." Adnan's speech lasted a good 20 minutes.

A merry occasion: from left, Pang Tsu Ming, 陳漢祥, 周良, 方天興, appreciating Adnan Yaacob's calligraphy.


For the first time such a Chinese New Year Well-wishing Ceremony is being organized by [關丹華團聯合會], and it went smoothly. Although a crowd of approximately 1,000 persons was no match for the past ceremonies held by [華社協商理事會/CCC?], the atmosphere was merry. The handing over of the Chinese New Year Well-wishing Ceremony to the [關丹華團聯合會] was due to the disbandment of the [華社協商理事會/CCC?].


Other than the lucky draw, the ceremony encompassed cultural presentations, comprising the Round-Season Drum, the Dragon Dance, folk dance, and singing. Among the people who attended the event are: Indera Mahkota PKR Parliamentary Assemblyman [阿占依斯邁], Beserah PAS State Assemblyman [賽莫哈末], and [沈春祥] (personal assistant to the Kuantan PKR Parliamentary Assemblywoman Fuziah Salleh).

此外,關丹華團聯合會主席拿督周良在會上致詞時指出,在金融危機時刻,大家必須團結一致,加強友誼,為國解難。他說,在佳節時,大家不分種族,同慶佳節,這已成大馬特別文化之一。“我們在互相交流中,更學會接納各族文化,互相尊重,並減少不必要的誤會等。” 他說,在佳節時,如果大家沒聚集一起歡慶,就失去了它的意義。

[周良] in his address highlighted that in the midst of the financial crisis people should unite, strengthen friendship, and help the country overcome difficulties. He said that in festivivity people should come together irrespective of race, to celebrate--and this is the one of the cornerstones of a multiracial Malaysia. "Through our mingling we learn to accept other races' cultures, to respect each other, and to reduce unnecessary misunderstandings." He added that if there were no coming together of the people as one in celebration, the meaning of the celebration is lost.


ngohtianmeng said...

I am disgusted of the unceasing politiking and monkeying attics in our midst since 308. We should focus on the global economic meltdown which commenced in the US and the global effect has not reached our shores. The tsunami effect will come in a few months time if we are not ready to face this challenge which will have a devastating effect to all of us if we do not put our hearts and minds together in order to rid this tempestious storms which may drown most of us asunder. I have heard from reliable sources that some of our factories are filled to the brim with raw material which was meant for export but dued to reduced order, the goods are kept in the factories. We have to be united to confront this devastating storms and brace ourselves wholeheartedly to meet this challenges which is yet to come in a few months time.

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