Tuesday, August 11, 2009

7-Eleven Revisited

Also appearing in http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/25344/84/,
By Ti Lian Ker

The rule of law, also called supremacy of law, simply means that the law is above everyone and it applies to everyone. Whether governors or governed, rulers or ruled, no one is above the law, no one is exempted from the law, and no one can grant exemption to the application of the law.

Under our Rukunegara this spirit is stated as " Keluhuran Perlembagaan" and "Kedaulatan Undang-Undang".

The recent calls by Datuk Dr.Hassan Ali, PAS Exco Member in Selangor that the proposed guidelines regulating the sale of beer be made in tandem with provisions in the Syariah Enactment (Selangor) 1995 is flawed and bad in law. Now PAS is calling for a blanket ban on the sale of beer in Muslim-majority areas.

PAS is effectively extending the Syariah laws onto Non-Muslims under the pretext of Muslim sentiments. We are ruled by law and not sentiments based on race or religion.

PAS had called upon the implementation and enforcement of provisions of the Syariah Enactment on all Muslim-majority areas throughout Selangor. Dr.Hassan had defended the high handedness of local council enforcement officers purely based on sentiments without regard to the law. He said " the actions of the officers are justified based on the sentiments of a Muslim-dominated neighbourhood".

When asked about the rights of the Non-Muslims, Dr.Hassan said that the Non-Muslims could easily buy their beer from the many shops outside Muslim majority areas. He blamed Barisan Nasional for their failure to implement or force this through. PAS as usual is one up against Umno when it comes to showing their arrogance and intolerance in absolute disrespect of the Non-Muslims rights provided by the law. Have they no regard for civil laws?

Ronnie Liu, the Exco Member in charge of the Local Government portfolio could only stutter by saying " As the exco member in charge of the local government portfolio, I have the right to question the actions of the local authorities. Selangor PAS cannot stop that".

He added " No local authority can be bigger than the state executive council".

Where is Lim Kit Siang while all the beer issue was brewing? Uncle Kit closing one eye?

Liu had got it all wrong when he can only talked about who is bigger? Of course PAS has always asserted and insisted that they are the political muscles and the biggest party in PAKATAN. Only DAP and Lim Kit Siang are kidding themselves by misleading the public into believing that they can contain this bull called PAS.

Ronnie Liu is off the mark when he talked about who is bigger: is he subscribing to child's play or gangsters' chain of command? He should be talking of the law and should take in no nonsense. PAS' reliance on the Syariah Enactment is flawed because the party cannot in effect extend the provisions of the Muslim enactment and have it imposed on Non-Muslims.

The Syariah Enactment is not applicable vis-a-vis civil law to Non-Muslims. Remember Hadi's assurance that PAS syariah and hudud laws are not enforced upon Non-Muslims unless they chose to subscribe to its jurisdiction.

Syariah Enactment is a personal law enforceable only on Muslims. Non-Muslims have their secular civil and criminal laws and it is clearly provided that Non-Muslims can buy and sell beer canned and bottled, without any restriction or license. If PAS cannot respect an express provision of the law, how can we ever trust PAS to rule the nation and be fair to the Non-Muslims? How can DAP falsely assure the community into confidently voting for PAS?

Secondly, PAS should not discriminate against the Non-Muslims as their jurisdiction is confined to the Muslims. Ronnie Liu should advise his PAKATAN partners ( PAS leaders) to concentrate on their dakwah activities and not imposed prohibitions and penalties on Non-Muslims. They have no right to act outside the law or imposed additional restrictions or prohibitions ultra-vires on others.

Thirdly, PAS cannot rule the country based on the sentiments or emotions of a few aggressive intolerant leaders who are out to be heroes in their communities. The enforcement officers cannot act based on the sentiments of a Muslim-dominated neighbourhood. What if this Muslim neighbourhood so decides to chase out Non-Muslims from their neighbourhood one day? What about the Non-Muslims rights, liberties, sentiments and feelings?

Will Dr. Hassan then say "Too bad, this is the sentiment and desire of the Muslims and the Non-Muslims can always move away to another neighbourhood since Malaysia is a big country?" His arguments that Non-Muslims have to drive further away to purchase beers is dumbfounded and/or discards the existence of DAP as a political partner.

I had in the year 2005 forced the Government officers, the elected representatives and the State Assembly to respect and uphold the law when local authorities confiscated canned beers from Seven-Eleven in Kuantan. In the end it was conceded that even during the Prophet's time, the Non-Muslims were allowed to buy and sell beer. Only Muslims were forbidden and prohibited.

I am just a small State Assemblyman in Kuantan. Ronnie Liu is my village friend and is a big shot in Selangor. He is the Chairman of the Local Government portfolio and the Selangor Exco Member. Of course he is bigger and the biggest person in charge of this portfolio. I do not expect a lesser result from either Ronnie Liu, Lim Kit Siang or DAP....

The rule of the majority must prevail with due respect to the minority. PAS cannot continually push the minority to give in and sacrifice their rights and liberties under the guise of respecting the majority--exerting such a sentimental pressure is bully.

Any compromise of our legal rights and liberties expressly provided by the law is blasphemy...

Where is the spirit of Karpal Singh's "over my dead body" ?


我们之中有不少人习惯责怪政府--Mat Rempit的风骚是政府的错,青少年不道德性行为是缺乏信仰教育,人因不长进而缺乏竞争能力是政治者的错,罪案与日剧增是治安人的错,总之有出问题的地方皆是政府的错。这是马来西亚Boleh!的特征,也是国人常犯的毛病。




不周详的策略只会迈向腐败,当败策执行时,贪污的官员与机构在分配资源中自取削减了大部分中央政府预算拨出的款项--这是途径损耗(path losses)吗? 因为有寄生虫,所以传道应得人的手中的资源永远是不敷的,所以人民永远会投诉的。基层人民向民间代表,既是他们通过投票委任的州议员,投诉他们所发现的差异。人民之所以会前来向州议员投诉,就是对州议员有信任与要求:人民信任州议员会认真处事,并且要求得见处事过程的交代。

在研究社会问题的发生与演变未有结果之前随意指信仰道德基础方面下不够苦功是逃避问题的理论。最近我国所面对的种种问题其实是个人纪律和责任感能够避免或解决的,而不需要任何人“假聪明” (keh kiang)离题唱片阔论种族或宗教。 应当面对人性的弱点,应当向人性的弱点着手,应当用系统与人性制衡(check and balance),还有切忌“不要教选民怎样吃蛋”,让国人亲身体验见证真正的check and balance是否有操作。遣追交代才有意义!

参阅 http://tilianker.blogspot.com/2009/05/sindrome-menyalahkan-orang-lain.html

Sunday, August 9, 2009


我国的政治醒觉度一向来都处于可悲状态:在安逸繁荣的经济活动的框框内度日子的国民可是“循规蹈矩”并“沉默寡言”!为什么呢?看看你周围的人与朋友们,有不少人可以对官僚鞠躬点头,表面接受不合理的条规或政策,但坐下喝茶时,就会骂到口水多过茶! 这长期精神压抑始终要发泄的!为何做哑吧呢?管你是巫华印族,当人们习惯了被压抑而沉默,健全恰当的发泄机会就会减低,产生冲突的机会就会增高。为何不根治政治病态?



以往的巫族不满华族所显的富裕。极端分子认为联邦宪法及法制是世俗并且缺乏回教所指定的完善定义--他们不顾其他种族的立场及信念坚持要以回教为治国的法,这可是强求了。极端分子在他们强求的立场上所做出的行动显出他们比较重视回教法令的惩罚性一面,而忽略了悔改与建设的关键用处,导致极端分子们的形象与"Allah Maha pengampun"的圣号出现强烈的对比。




大部分华裔的政治观念依然是可悲的--爷爷奶奶老爸老妈传教的“和气生财”并不是叫你见义不为。为何害怕攻击呢?为何自扫门前雪呢?等你财富千万了才为社会做事呀?慢慢等!庆幸有新的一代有抱负,他们争取的是相等的读书学位,相等的经济拼位,和相等的政治地位。他们果敢质问国家是否有满足对人民做出的承诺,并且使全民受惠。他们再也无法接受任何不经他们认同就如“圣旨”般传下施行的策略--拿破仑们再也无法用“ini polisi, anda tidak boleh mempersoalkan polisi”来合理化不合理的举止了!官员们听好:凡是以私人企图为出发点的策略都要被反驳到策划人哑口无言,凡是不惠及人民的计划都要被倒空。



1Malaysia 应当从何处起步使巫华印三族都真心喜欢身居马来西亚呢?紧绳束缚人民的思想与活动应该革新了!政府应当采用放松制度--让国民不分彼此的坦诚交流倾诉。人民应当纪念马来西亚建国历史中的艰苦日子,不是因为无知的富足而忘记了饮水思源。坦白的说,要真心喜欢马来西亚,就要先懂得欣赏马来西亚的特点:多样化的文化风俗、语言和信仰本身是具有分裂性的,所以它们都是丑陋的。什么才是美呢?值得欣赏的真善美是这些具有分裂型的元素能够产生非短暂的平衡状态,并在平衡状态下生存 (non-transient equilibrium of coexistence)。更美的一件事是马来西亚不仅是一支试验管,而是一个具有动力的组织--这组织的名词就是被全球公认的一个独立自主国家(independent sovereign nation)。

马来俗语说“胜利成火炭,失败成灰烬” (menang jadi arang, kalah jadi abu)。既然胜败都不利,又何苦“Ketuanan Melayu”、“Malaysian Malaysia”、“Satu Bangsa, Satu Bahasa, Satu Negara”、 "Republik Islam ala PAS"或相等的偏激呢?就是我们不顾其他种族继续的为自己奋斗争取,将来所取得什么成果也只不过是“胜利成火炭”!切记满足的定义在于能够唇齿相依,并不是你我之间拼个两败俱伤!

参阅 1Malaysia...Pooorah!!!


马华中央委员郑联科律师针对沙阿南市政局充公便利店所摆卖的麦酒啤酒发言说:这是越权的作为,行动党行政委员刘天球不应该沉默不采取行动。郑联科强调,既然马来西亚法令明确的规定零售啤酒是被允许的,执法人员就应当规矩的遵法执法,而不应该以个人的立场或观点 (或对含酒精饮料类似的偏见歧视)檀自扫酒。

马来西亚关税法令允许罐装瓶装啤酒的销售,零售酒精浓度底的饮料是不需要特别执照的。市政局在法令许可下针对啤酒作出的取缔动作可是轻慢不慎重。说喝酒对身体不好?喝酒败坏道德? 我们应强调酗酒醉酒是个人选择的问题,是自制的问题,而不是许不许可喝酒的问题。就是说,若以个人的基本信仰或价值观不准许饮用酒精饮料,那人应该身心适应无酒精的生活,而不是被周围有喝酒的人引诱而难受。




参阅 Beer raid by council conflicts with federal lawsRule by law, not sentiments