Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Marina M. on hypocripsy

Marina Mahathir's view on the recent incident of privacy invasion involving Elizabeth Wong

“This is about public morality … whether the pictures were taken with or without consent is another matter,” said former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo who is leading the charge against Wong.

This is NOT about public morality, this is about invasion of privacy. It becomes public morality when everyone scrambles to LOOK at the pictures. It is immoral to look at the pictures. If people were not so eager to look at the pictures, there would not be the possibility of blackmailing people or causing their downfall.

If Khir wants to take the moral high ground, he should be advising people to ignore the photos.

Hamidah Marican said...
You hit the nail on the HEAD. Indeed this is invasion of privacy, today t is Eli Wong, tomorrow it could be any one of us, our children, or our daughters and Khir it could be your wife..then what!
Fellow Malaysians this insanity must stop..you can help by NOt looking at the pictures that are circulated, advising family & friends to delete such pictures.
Mr. Smith said...

Wonder why morality in Malaysia is confined to sexual/feminine/love related matters?

Is corruption moral? Is smuggling money into Australia moral? Is buying over state assembly members, moral?

Lois Lane said...

Next month, it will be a year since the election..yet political parties are still acting like kids denied treats and keep on character-assasinating their rivals, sabotaging, spin-doctoring and so many stupid games...

While all the above is happening, people are losing their jobs, their homes, their cars and have to pay higher for consumer goods...

A lot of the politicians are now more vocal than before, wanting to be seen as people's champions (or maybe for the free publicity)...but look at what they have to say (refer to Khir, for example)...it's an insult to our intelligence, it's an insult to all women and it's an insult to all Malaysians.

halimah said...

The political mayhem is appalling as is the nonsense that they are spewing.

The tit-for-tat slandering is getting out of hand and will come to a head soon if the top leadership i.e. the PM and DPM do not come down hard on the scumbags.

For an argument on privacy and human rights please read the letter in The Sun and The Star today and the posting in NINITALK.

BareSheen said...

Dear Marina,

It is so sad to hear, again and agian, ad nauseam, our public discourse revolving around the tired issues of race, religion and sex.

That this race this greater and that religion is lousier. That those who hold public offices must be celibate or have sex in the right way with the right person at the right time.

Or even how we should sleep. Whether in our birthday suit or all dressed up to the nines.

As if there are no other more urgent things in life to worry about.

The quality of our current leaders and even future ones (you saw the TV debate involving your brother), I can only weep for Malaysia.

labulabi said...

hi MM

Patutlah masih ramai rakyat yang susah. Ahli parlimen atau Adun sibuk pasal nak menjatuhkan satu sama lain.

Bilalah mereka ni nak matang?

khim said...

it seems to me that in Malaysia, if one wants to silence the opposition, the critics or any intelligent person, one just have to accuse the other of:
1. immorality
2. being anti-Islam
3. being anti-Malay
4. being disrespectful of royalty
5. threatening national security

What next ?


Joseph said...

I think morality can't be imposed or forced upon. It can only be advised, whether it's for non-muslims or muslims alike. After all, nobody will be holy enough to cast her or his first stone on any other person. Btw, I think privacy issue is more important than moral issue as we fallible humans can only judge objectively on any privacy related issues but not moral issues. So for those talk big guys like Mr. Ketam, I would say leave moral issues to the God and shut up!

Btw, MM, with Utusan Malaysia and UMNO comdemning Eliz as if she is demon recarnate, I think your voice here makes very little impact in Malaysia on this issue.. =.= sad...

Single Parent said...

You hit it right on the Button!
I agree with Kingsmen, my small circle of frens too both sexes has displayed eagerness to view the pics! SOmeone aske me why i'm against just looking at them, i told them to think!
What if it was you or one of your family members? would you want yuor frens and strangers to look at the pics and have discussions?

I condemn the media for exploiting this!

Are people of Malaysia so desprate that they are so eager to look at any compromising pictures? of anyone?? How would you feel if it was a pic of your sister? mother? wife? auntie? your best friend?

I feel like burnign all the pics i get my hands on!

And please to those of you who talk about being moral! you just show others that you have a holier than thou attitude!
I sleep in the nude too when it's extreamly hot! i do not not wish for someone to take my pic and publish it!
So, think!

Buyung Adil said...

Damansara, so what if they had sex? The ones who have a right to comment are those who have never commited a sexual sin (including internet porn), never taken bribes, never told a lie, never bought over party-hoppers, never taken any commissions,etc. One more thing though, we elect politicians who can represent us for the love of nation & the rakyat- not for the love of money. Who they have sex with in private is none of our business!!! Judgement belongs to God, not to you or me. And...for your information, in Buddhism or Hinduism, the concept of a personal God is irrelevant. In case you misunderstand, I do believe in a personal God, but you can't enforce your own beliefs on others!!! Let Eli Wong continue serving the rakyat!


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